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Lauren Updyke, MS ACSM HFI Executive Director for Employee Experience and UWHR Chief Wellness Officer

Hi everyone, I’m Lauren, the Executive Director for Employee Experience and UWHR Chief Wellness Officer. My role is to lead our Employee Experience team encompassing The Whole U, UW Combined Fund Drive and WorkLife programs.

I have spent over 20 years of my career in Health and Wellness. I came to the USA from Canada on a track and field scholarship to University of Louisiana. I have my Masters in Exercise Physiology, am a Certified Personal trainer through the American College of Sports Medicine, and have coached over 10,000 individuals online from all over the world. I worked with the wellness program at Duke University and Hospital for 13 years as fitness and health education manager.

This is my tenth year at UW and I love being a Husky. When I’m not at work, I am either training for a marathon, doing lots of strength training, traveling with my family, or racing from one kid activity to the next.

Summer Fitness Challenge: Week Two

Summer Fitness Challenge: Week One

UW Wide Stair Challenge – Let’s reach 500K in 24hrs

Men’s Health Week – Celebrate Your Advantages But Know Your Numbers!

Find a Free Gym Near You This Summer

Talking Fitness with UW Athletic Director Scott Woodward

Summer Fitness Challenge – It’s Time for Some Fun!

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The Girls in the Boat – Rowing for a Purpose

Celebrate Take Our Daughters and Sons to Work Day on April 23

Whole U Team Finishes the 5K and 15K Hot Chocolate Race!

Around the World Twice: Results from Dare to Do