Celebrate Fall’s Colors at Ovations
With each passing day, there’s a little more bite in the breeze and leaves are changing on every corner. Pumpkins are lined along entryways and windowsills, rain has begun to tap-tap its way back into our lives, and the curtain goes up on Ovations in less than a week. There’s no doubt it’s officially autumn.
But as we prepare to celebrate the season and the UW’s array of talented artists and performers next Sunday from 2-4 p.m. at Meany Hall (reserve your tickets now before it’s too late!), we want you to share your favorite aspects of autumn.
Whether you’re carving pumpkins, sewing a handmade costume, or stopping for a minute to savor some hot apple cider, share how you’re squeezing the most from the season by tagging your photos #UWovations on Instagram, Twitter, or Facebook or by emailing them to us at wholeu@uw.edu. Those who do will win some sweet seasonal swag!
Feeling creative? We’ve printed an original 12-page Husky-themed coloring book that we’ll distribute to all children in attendance after the second act of Ovations this Sunday. Help your kids get in the spirit of the show (or get in the spirit yourself) by downloading, printing, and coloring one of the pictured sneak-peek pages! Share it with us on social with the tag #UWovations or email it to us at wholeu@uw.edu and we’ll feature it in our social feed!
Have your Ovations tickets, but still looking for ideas to freshen up your fall? Check out these other Whole U fall favorites:
Pumpkin Mania: Cooking with Everyone’s Favorite Fall Fruit
Pumpkin is a staple taste of fall. Try a new recipe that’s sure to keep you warm and satisfied: Pumpkin Chili.
Fall in Love with the Japanese Botanical Garden
Boasting hundreds of different plants, a large koi pond, and beautiful statues, Seattle’s Japanese Botanical Garden in the Washington Park Arboretum is a must-see spot for changing leaves in rich hues of green, yellow, orange, and red!
Get Spooked Without Leaving Washington State
There is no doubt that movies are a huge part of Halloween! Curl up with your bowl of pumpkin chili and select something from this list of spooky films made right here in Washington state!
Rather read than watch a movie? Check out these frighteningly fun titles for a good read on Halloween eve for all ages.
But whatever you do this fall, don’t miss Ovations! In addition to showcasing the talents of more than 25 UW staff, faculty, and students, the event will feature a post-performance costume parade for kids, trick-or-treating in the lobby, as well as a photo area so those in attendance can capture the spirit of the day.