Meet the UW Fitness Day coaches: Community partners
The Whole U is excited to announce that our 10th annual UW Fitness Day will be returning as an in-person event on May 9. Fitness Day is a one-of-a-kind, campus-wide workout celebrating movement and community.
From coaches and student athletes drawn from various UW Athletics teams to trainers from UW Recreation, these coaches will be with you the whole way on May 9, helping you celebrate the best version of yourself and showing you some great exercises to keep you moving in the months beyond.
All fitness levels are welcome! All participants will receive a performance tech t-shirt and Whole U branded exercise band.
Join us outdoors at four campus locations for a fun and encouraging workout! Click on your preferred location to register:
Meet your coaches
With community coaches specializing in yoga, Pilates, Barre, Zumba, rowing, cycling and running, UW Fitness Day will be full of a variety of motivating movement and fun!
Read about our UW Athletics, UW Recreation and The Whole U coaches here
Jade Tabares
Jade Tabares Pilates & Solidcore Queen Anne
Seattle native Jade is very excited to share her passion for fitness with you! She is a trainer to local celebrities including high profile sports figures and can be counted on for teaching thoughtful and challenging sessions.
What motivates me: My kids motivate me to always prioritize being strong, happy, and living life with passion!
Adia Callahan
See Me Wellness
Motivator and advocate for Black women
What motivates me: I empower people to find their freedom to pursue their fitness and wellness goals by guiding others toward embracing new beliefs about their potential.
Follow Adia’s wellness journey on Instagram @seemewellness or Facebook @seemewellness
Aaliyah Earvin
Run & Movement Coach
Aaliyah started working in the fitness field because sports made her happy. She stayed because of the joys her clients gained in their ah-ha moments. During the day, Aaliyah works as a fitness and recreation coordinator for a local recreation center. She is also a part-time entrepreneur. Aaliyah creates fitness content for runners, including strength, and running tips, and provides running clinics and workshops.
What motivates me: Building community motivates me!
Cheyenne Derby
Assistant Director, TruFusion Bellevue
What motivates me: The goal is not perfection, it’s progress. Perfection keeps you stuck. Progress moves you forward.
Follow Cheyenne on Instagram @cheyanimalll
Dan Druliner
Yoga instructor, Pranify Yoga Seattle
Web developer, University Marketing & Communications
Favorite motivational quote: Let yourself be silently drawn by the strange pull of what you love. It will not lead you astray. — Rumi
Melissa Maxwell
Competitive Master’s Rower
Senior Graphic Designer, University Marketing and Communications
Role model: All of the amazing women on my competitive rowing team, many of whom are in their 60s. They’re all Wonder Women!
What do you tell yourself when you’re on the home stretch of a workout to finish strong? As a member of a competitive rowing team, it’s easy for me to finish strong every time. I simply remind myself “you’re doing this for your team.” I apply that to every workout, as every improvement I make to my mind and body benefits the whole team.
Adam Pearlstein
Assistant yoga director, TruFusion Bellevue
Favorite motivational quote: “When I do good, I feel good. When I do bad, I feel bad. And that’s my religion.” -Abraham Lincoln
Follow Adam on Instagram @yogi_a.lo
Sami Sweeney
Program creator, head coach and pain designer, RowdyBox
Raised in the PNW, I’ve been involved with fitness my entire life. From early childhood, I competed in gymnastics and cheerleading, eventually garnering a scholarship to college. After college, I used my biz degrees for a couple years, but was never satisfied at a desk behind a screen. I took a moonlighting job teaching Barre and Pilates and, fast forward five years, found myself owning and operating six fitness studios in Seattle. I found boxing in 2018 and it reminded me of what I loved about sports in college. Warning: The addiction comes quickly!
Follow Sami on Instagram @SamiSween
Benefitting Be The Match

Get in the Game 2022 was a huge success – and we had beautiful weather!
This year, Fitness Day will benefit Be the Match, the nation’s largest marrow-donor registry. Our fundraising goal is $5,000 and 100 new registry members.
Learn about Be the Match and, if you are able, make a $5 suggested donation through the UW Combined Fund Drive when you register for UW Fitness Day. And even if you cannot attend UW Fitness Day, you are invited to help us reach our fundraising goal.
Join us after Fitness Day May 9 on Red Square for Get in the Game, an annual event to share the mission of Be The Match and encourage people to join the registry.