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Faculty Friday

Anita Ramasastry applies law, policy and pragmatism to fight corruption and defend human rights around the world

Xiao-Ping Chen connects people across cultures and communication styles

Lauding UW faculty innovators, change-makers and trailblazers this Women’s History Month

Quintard Taylor has blazed a trail to Black history of the American West—and around the world

Creating eco-friendly infrastructure design: Meet Jan Whittington

Centering collective care for Veterans: Meet Kate Hoerster

Exploring civic engagement in public spaces: Meet Rubén Casas

Fierce compassion: Meet gender equity and justice advocate Lauren Lichty

A grand vision for higher education’s future: Meet Dianne Harris

Sleeping in Seattle: Meet Horacio de la Iglesia

Making cities more equitable: Meet Davon Woodard

Feed your brains well: Meet neuroscientist Chantel Prat