Making fitness fun for Huskies
Save the date! The Whole U is excited to announce that our annual UW Fitness Day is back on Tuesday, May 9. Fitness Day is a one-of-a-kind, campus-wide workout to celebrate movement. Read on to learn more about how to participate in UW Fitness Day and why it’s one of the UW’s favorite events!
With hybrid work as a new normal for many UW community members, we encourage you to attend any UW Fitness Day! Each location will provide a space to share your Husky spirit and celebrate our strengths.
Attend a fitness class at the University Y and get a Fitness Day 2023 t-shirt and stretching band. Learn more and register here!
Attend a fitness class at the ARC and get a Fitness Day 2023 t-shirt and stretching band. Learn more and register here!
Attend a yoga class at View Park and get a Fitness Day 2023 t-shirt and stretching band. Learn more and register here!
UW Athletics has partnered once again with The Whole U to offer UW Fitness Day 2023 at Husky Stadium from noon to 1 p.m. with a fitness expo before the workout at 11 a.m.
Can we make this year the most attended fitness day ever?
Ten years ago when we launched The Whole U, we had 995 participants break a Guinness World Record! We need over 1,000 UW faculty, staff, students and friends to show to UW Fitness Day to make this the largest workout in UW History.Help us break our record: REGISTER HERE
Here’s 10 reasons why you, your colleagues and loved ones should come to UW Fitness Day!
1. Coach Hop will be there!
“Coach Hopkins was the highlight of the day! His enthusiasm, Husky spirit, and engagement with us was so much fun! He brought so much energy to each group and made us feel like real Husky athletes!!”
– Meisssa Aydelott, Enrollment Services – Fitness Day 2022 attendee
2. This year you get a T-shirt AND a bright yellow exercise band.
Moving doesn’t have to extremely strenuous. Come to Fitness Day and feel the benefits of the exercise bands, your body, and all types of movement.
3. The workout is for EVERYONE and we will move TOGETHER surrounding center stage.
Your instructors will be on stage while coaches will be amongst the crowd cheering, coaching, and leading the fun exercises.
To close us out, we’ll end in meditation.
WARM-UP – 3 minutes
LOWER BODY WORK – 8 minutes
DANCE – 8 minutes
YOGA/CORE – 8 minutes
MEDITATION – 3 minutes
4. The UW men’s and women’s soccer coaches and athletes will be there this year!
These UW athletes are at the top of their game and join us each year, sharing their expert knowledge and the joy of movement.
5. Be in community with your Huskies!
Connecting in person, especially through movement, really adds more positivity to our work environment. Community gives us a sense of belonging and connection. If you are new to the UW, join the fun and meet new people. The UW is such an awesome place to work and make new friends.
6. Moving is INSPIRATION.
You all have heard and know the amazing benefits of moving. Come feel it for yourself.
7. Meet our top UW Fitness partners and sponsors at a fun expo before the workout.
Husky Stadium doors will open this year at 11:00 a.m. for a Fitness Expo with our amazing fitness partners and program sponsors. Come by a bit early to learn about unique offers and get swag!
UW Recreation
Pranify Yoga
LaClave Cubana
Aaliyah Ervin Coaching
UW Medicine and the Seattle marathon
Be the Match
8. UW Football will be there!
What a team of amazing individuals and inspiring coaching staff! Meet coach DeBoar and our team. Give them a high five, say hello and take photos. They had such an awesome season last year and are excited for the new season to come.
9. The weather has been great every year. Enjoy some FRESH air and your friends.
A breath of fresh air goes a long way, especially at the best view in college Football!
10. Harry the Husky is coming. Take pictures with your colleagues and Harry.
Who doesn’t love a hug from Harry the Husky – the best mascot in the country! Anyone and all are welcome.
Even if you don’t plan on doing the exercises, we hope you will join us in cheering, laughing and having a blast together. We can’t wait to see you there.
Meet us afterwards with UW Athletics and help bring awareness to BE THE MATCH and help saves lives. Learn more here.
Thank you to our sponsors AT&T, BECU, UW Medicine, UW Athletics and UW Housing and Food Services who make Fitness Day possible. We cannot wait to see all of our Huskies in-person on May 9!
2 Thoughts on “Making fitness fun for Huskies”
On April 18, 2023 at 8:56 AM, Leah Nguyen said:
Excited to be at an event of this scale! I led a wholistic and evidenc- based wellness program at Washington University in St. Louis, and the scale of this event is wild, looking forward to collective energy! I am returning to UW as staff in Global Mental Health and am a 1999 alum.
On April 19, 2023 at 4:54 PM, Dan said:
Looking forward to High-Stepping it with Harry the Husky again at UW Fitness day!
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