Celebrate Global Month with events from The Whole U
November is UW Global Month! This calls for a celebration of UW’s global impact, network, community, and opportunities available to UW students, faculty, staff, and alumni. From discussions about the impact of the Berlin Wall to the study of South Asian hierarchies, there is something interesting and engaging for every Husky! Learn about the tie between changing diets and global health or get useful resources to prepare for a trip of your own.
In addition to Global Month programming listed at the end of this article, The Whole U is pleased to present its usual lineup of health, wellness, and financial events and resources for the month of November below!
The Whole U November Events
Prep for Travel 2019/2020 Seminar with Hall Health Travel Clinic
November 5, 2019 at the HUB, noon-1 pm
Ever catch a cold from a vacation or seen others experience travel discomforts?
Anne C. Terry, UW’s Travel Clinic Manager and nurse practitioner is happy to share her expertise on travel vaccines, travel risks, malaria prevention, traveler’s diarrhea prevention, and more!
Whether it be a work-related trip or a family vacation, The Whole U wants to give you the right resources for your future travels, so you can enjoy every minute of your time away from home.
November 5, 7, 12, 14, 19, 21, 26 2019 at the UW Food Pantry, noon-1 pm
Looking for a great way to give back to the Husky community?
The UW Pantry needs your help! The Whole U is looking for volunteers during lunch hour on Tuesdays and Thursdays throughout this November to alleviate hunger and stress for UW faculty, staff, and students.
Help us organize and restock non-perishable items, community resources, and feminine products at the UW Pantry. Remember to invite your work friends to help UW together!
Social Security: A Foundation for Planning Your Future
November 6, 2019 at the UW Tower, 11:30 am-1 pm
Curious how your social security can benefit or affect your future?
Get your questions answered by a Public Affairs Specialist with the Social Security Administration (SSA) during this interesting, hour and a half seminar. Don’t forget to bring a printed copy of your Social Security Benefit Statement to the seminar to reference throughout the presentation.
Seasonal Home Maintenance Seminar with Homestreet Bank
November 7, 2019 at the Harborview Medical Center, noon-1 pm
Want to learn more about how to maintain your home without so much hassle and stress?
If so, Homestreet Bank is coming to share professional insight on basic home maintenance, cost coverages, and maintenance checklists! Bring your questions, notes, and pens to gather some key information at this beneficial seminar.
Zumba-style Dance Class at the ECC!
November 12, 21, 2019 at the Ethnic Cultural Center, noon-1 pm
Looking for an upbeat and inclusive work community that also doubles as a dance class?
Look no further because Dalya Perez, the instructor of group Zumba-style dance class, is welcoming everyone to her Tuesday and Thursday classes! Release some tension and increase your heart rate at these fun classes with your colleagues.
Understanding Occupational Health Through the Lens of Equity – Speaker Panel
November 13, 2019 at the HUB, noon-1 pm
Want to learn how issues of race and differences at work impacts our occupational health?
Attend this unique speaker panel event with Noah Seixas from UW Environmental & Occupational Health Sciences and Butch de Castro from UW School of Nursing to gain insight on how everyday indirect or direct discrimination at work affects one’s occupational health and wellbeing. Bring your work friends and colleagues to become more knowledgeable on social and health issues in the workplace.
Turn Your Savings into Retirement Income with Fidelity
November 15, 2019 at the HUB, noon-1 pm
Whether it be improving your financial knowledge or actively creating a long-term financial plan, The Whole U has got you covered with this Fidelity seminar.
Join us and Doug Stucki, a Fidelity director, to better understand your expenses and income and the risks associated with planning for retirement. Bring your work friends to attend this fantastic seminar about creating your personal retirement income strategy to meet your personal goals.
UW Volleyball vs. WSU discounted tickets!
November 30, 2019 at the Alaska Airlines Arena, TBA
Come support our UW Volleyball team as they take on our rivals, WSU!
Let’s cheer on our players as they enter their last game of the season. Bring your friends and family to watch a spectacular match to finish out the season strong. Buy your employee discounted tickets online for only $5 before they sell out!
UW School of Drama
In a room in a house in a provincial town, three sisters, Olga, Masha, and Irina, wait for their lives to begin. This is the deceptively simple premise of Chekhov’s tragicomic masterpiece, Three Sisters. UW Drama faculty member Jeffrey Fracé, an expert in devised performance who spent 10 years as an Associate Artist of Anne Bogart’s SITI company, brings us this spare reimagining of this third of Chekhov’s “three great plays”. Ticket details here.
Lysander loves Hermia. Hermia loves Lysander. Demetrius loves Hermia. Helena loves Demetrius. No one loves Helena (poor Helena). This byzantine love quadrangle turns even more ludicrous when, lost in the woods on a midsummer’s eve, the love-struck quartet finds themselves at the mercy of a band of mischievous fairies armed with a potent love potion.
Ticket details here.
As the British Industrial Revolution dawns, young Ada Byron Lovelace (daughter of the flamboyant and notorious Lord Byron) sees the boundless creative potential in the “analytic engines” of her friend and soul mate Charles Babbage, inventor of the first mechanical computer. Ada envisions a whole new world where art and information converge—a world she might not live to see. Jane Austen meets Steve Jobs in this poignant pre-tech romance heralding the computer age.
Ticket details here.
UW Global Month Events
From Scandinavian Holiday Bazaar to Book Talks with famous global authors, UW Global Month has a great variety of enticing diversity events across campus. Head over to the UW Global Month’s page to learn more about how to attend workshops, lectures, study abroad fairs, and photo gallery competitions over the month of November!
Here is a list of some of the UW Global Month events this month:
Global Campus Photo Contest Gallery
Date and time: Friday, Nov 1, 8 a.m. – Friday, Nov 29, 2019, 5 p.m
Location: Odegaard Undergraduate Library
Submit or enjoy beautiful images taken outside U.S. by our fellow Huskies! The top 16 photos will be displayed at the Odegaard Undergraduate Library for everyone to view during November.
UW European Studies 25th Anniversary Lecture with founder/GSPIA Dean John Keeler
Date and time: Friday, Nov 1, 2019, 6:30 – 8:30 p.m.
Location: Student Union Building (HUB)
Come join the Center for West European Studies and the Jean Monnet EU Center with a special host, Matthew Karnitschnig, Chief Europe Correspondent at Politico to talk about German and European Politics in Times of Disruption.
UWTea Time
Date and time: Tuesday, Nov 5, 2019, 12:15 – 1 p.m.
Location: UW Tacoma Birmingham Block
Indulge in some free tea and coffee paired with some unique ethnic snacks all while meeting UW Tacoma students, staff, and international student advisors.
Book Talk | No Place for Russia: European Security Institutions with Dr. William H. Hill
Date and time: Wednesday, Nov 6, 2019, 1:30 — 3 p.m.
Location: Thomson Hall
Dive into Dr. William H. Hill’s book, No Place for Russia: European Security Institutions Since 1989, to learn his perspective on how the development of the post–Cold War European security order explains today’s tensions.
How Can We Achieve Multidisciplinarity in Global Health
Date and time: Wednesday, Nov 6, 2019, 2 – 3 p.m.
Location: Student Union Building (HUB)
Learn more about global healthcare with speaker, Andrew Trister, MD, PhD (the Deputy Director at Digital Health and Innovation, Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation). Dr. Trister shares his passions regarding the use of technology to improve universal healthcare.
CANADA | Book reading/discussion: Hunting the Northern Character by Tony Penikett
Date and time: Wednesday, Nov 6, 2019, 4 – 5:30 p.m
Location: Communications Building (CMU)
Decipher what “the northern character” and “Arctic identity” really means with a book reading and discussion for the book: Hunting the Northern Character, by Tony Penikett.
CANADA | Author reception: Tony Penikett
Date and time: Wednesday, Nov 6, 2019, 5:30 – 7 p.m.
Location: Communications Building (CMU)
Join Tony Penikett—UW’s Canada Fulbright Chair in Arctic Studies (2013-14)—in this special meet-up event to discuss how various treaties and agreements in Alaska, Northern Canada and Greenland have changed the Arctic in ways no one expected.
Global Challenges/Interdisciplinary Answers
Date and time: Wednesday, Nov 6, 2019, 6:30 – 8 p.m.
Location: HUB North Ballroom
Analyze the integration of “ethical” social change and technology during this group discussion with professional guests: Anna Lauren Hoffmann (Assistant Professor, UW iSchool), Ece Kamar (Senior Researcher, Adaptive Systems & Interaction Group, Microsoft Research) and Shankar Narayan (Director, Technology and Liberty Project, American Civil Liberties Union).
Sharika Thiranagama – South Asia Studies Colloquium
Date and time: Thursday, Nov 7, 2019, 3:30 – 5 p.m.
Location: Denny Hall
Jump into this colloquium with Sharika Thiranagama about the history of the hierarchical systems around caste, ethnicity, and democratic change within South Asia.
Panel | The Politics of Memory 30 Years After the Berlin Wall
Date and time: Thursday, Nov 7, 2019, 6 – 9 p.m.
Location: Student Union Building (HUB)
Listen in on three political experts’ insights on the history and governments within Poland, Czechia, Ukraine, and Russia.
Engineering Lecture: Floods, Fish and People in the Mekong River Basin
Date and time: Thursday, Nov 7, 2019, 7:30 – 8:30 p.m.
Location: Kane Hall
Tune into ways our energy policy and ecosystems can diminish the negative impacts of climate change around the world with Gordon Holtgrieve, H. Mason Keller Associate Professor, Aquatic & Fishery Sciences. Free registration here.
Book Talk | Coming Out of Communism: Emergence of LGBT Activism in Eastern Europe
Date and time: Friday, Nov 8, 2019, 12:30 – 1:30 p.m.
Location: Communications Building
Learn more about Conor O’Dwyer, Associate Professor of Political Science at the University of Florida, and his book, Coming Out of Communism, to discuss the powerful backlash against the LGBT community within Eastern Europe.
Wunderbar Together: Zeitzeugen Panel & Discussion
Date and time: Friday, Nov 8, 2019, 3 – 4:30 p.m.
Location: Allen Library
Reflect and converse in the topics related to the 30th anniversary of the fall of the Berlin Wall with academic experts and former residents of East Germany.
Screening and Discussion: Norman Mineta and His Legacy: An American Story
Date and time: Sunday, Nov 10, 2019, 1:30 – 3:30 p.m.
Location: Kane Hall
Norman Mineta, the first Asian American elected mayor of a large U.S. city and elected member of Congress from the U.S. mainland, is joining us on the special screening of his documentary as well as a post-discussion about his experience.
The Trans-Africa Bicycle Expedition Of Kazimierz Nowak – Grit City Think & Drink
Date and time: Tuesday, Nov 12, 2019, 6:30 – 8 p.m.
Location: The Swiss Restaurant and Pub
Consider yourself tough? Michael Kula, Associate Professor of Writing Studies at the University of Washington Tacoma, shares a glimpse of the daily realities of one of the world’s original extreme-adventure-travelers.
“Perspectives: Partners In Health at 30” presented by Dr. Sheila Davis, CEO
Date and time: Thursday, Nov 14, 2019, 2:30 – 4:30 p.m.
Location: Student Union Building (HUB)
Dr. Sheila Davis will join the Center for Global Health Nursing as part of UW Global Month, a university-wide initiative to highlight UW’s global impact, networks, and community.
TALK | Iran, Sanctions, and ‘Maximum Pressure’
Date and time: Thursday, Nov 14, 2019, 7:30 – 9 p.m.
Location: Thomson Hall
Explore the topics of Iran and sanctions with Barbara Slavin, the director of the Future of Iran Initiative at the Atlantic Council.
TALK | Colonialism and Mobility in Libya during the Balbo Era, 1934-1940
Date and time: Monday, Nov 18, 2019, 12:30 – 2 p.m.
Location: Thomson Hall
Discuss the issues of racial political and mobility in Italy and its North and East African empire during the interwar period with Brian L. McLaren, Ph.D., is an Associate Professor and Chair in the University of Washington, Department of Architecture.
CHINA Town Hall
Date and time: Monday, Nov 18, 2019, 4 – 7 p.m.
Location: William H. Gates Hall (LAW)
Consider the impacts of China’s rapid development and the Sino-American relations on United States and its people with other experts.
Lecture and Reception | “A New Beginning for Europe?” with Ambassador Jan Store
Date and time: Wednesday, Nov 20, 2019, 7 – 9 p.m.
Location: Kane Hall
Join Jan Store, Finland’s permanent representative to the EU from 2008 to 2013 and deputy permanent representative from 1995 to 2000, to discuss the a new beginning for Europe.
Geographers in Practice
Date and time: Thursday, Nov 21, 2019, 6:30 – 8 p.m.
Location: Student Union Building (HUB)
Featuring Isaiah Berg, Performance Auditor for the Washington State Auditor’s Office; Jacob Gonzalez, Senior Planner for the City of Pasco; and Natasha Rivers, Demographer for Seattle Public Schools (2014-2019) and BECU. Learn more about their professional activities and engagement in geography.
Touching Time: Female Weaving, Materiality and Temporality in Greek Literature
Date and time: Friday, Nov 22, 2019, 3:30 – 4:30 p.m.
Location: PACCAR Hall
“Textile activity is often regarded as a signifier of feminine notions of time.” Chair and Associate Professor of Classics in the University of California at Irvine, Andromache Karanika, shares some expertise on female weaving in Greek Literature.
Whatever you plan to start this November, The Whole U can help you make it a success. Like our Facebook page, follow us on Twitter, and check out our Instagram to stay up to date on everything going on, including fun social media-specific features and contests as autumn gets underway!