SmartHealth is a gateway to a healthier you
SmartHealth is your voluntary wellness program that supports whole person well-being. Whether you aim to maintain your current health, manage stress, boost fitness, or explore ways to enhance your overall well-being, SmartHealth is here to help.
SmartHealth allows you to set goals and work on daily habits, participate in new challenges, interact with others through community posts, and access podcasts, articles, and videos.
Get started at SmartHealth or download the Wellness At Your Side app (Apple or Android) and enter the connection code: SmartHealth. Find step-by-step log on instructions at Accessing SmartHealth.
Qualify for a $125 wellness incentive in 2025!
Eligible subscribers can qualify for a $125 wellness incentive. Complete the well-being assessment (worth 800 points) and other activities to earn a total of 2,000 points by November 30, 2024. Learn more about SmartHealth.
Additional support from your PEBB benefits
Your PEBB benefits also include the Diabetes Prevention Program, administered by Omada, and tobacco cessation support. If eligible, your medical plan covers the entire cost of these programs. Learn more about these wellness programs.