UW Walk Week 2022
Stroll in to Summer with UW Virtual Walk Week! Each year, The Whole U hosts UW Walk Week, a week dedicated to getting outside, increasing movement throughout the day, reducing stress, boosting productivity, and going back to the basics of what it means to move. Join us for a week full of virtual and in-person opportunities that get you and your friends and family moving.
Now is more important than ever to focus on your health and wellness. Walk Week is an opportunity to build community and engage with fellow colleagues virtually and in-person, while also focusing on simple things that make a big difference in your overall wellbeing. A small walk can make a HUGE impact on your day! Click here to sign up and give it a try.
Our goal is to each walk 30 minutes per day. Here’s what’s on deck:
Ambassador-led walks throughout the week
All week long, Whole U Ambassadors will be leading walks across UW. Simply look through the selection of walks and register to join! We’ll send you a confirmation and reminder email once Walk Week arrives. Scroll down to view and sign-up for all available Ambassador led walks!
Virtual resources for individual walks
Walking meditations from UW mindfulness experts
Both walking and meditation are great for reducing stress. Combine the two with 5 special meditations from UW Recreation’s Mindfulness Manager Danny Arguetty. Each meditation will cover a different theme. Simply listen in as you walk and relax.
UW Forest Bathing map and guided experience
Forest bathing is a simple relaxation activity for people of all ages to de-stress and boost their health and well-being. This “anytime” mental health activity lets you spend some time in nature to take a few moments to relax using the basic principles of Forest Bathing. You will choose a relaxing place in nature using UW’s interactive campus maps and then listen to a guided meditation while walking.
Walk Week Walking Tracker and Recommended Routes
Keep yourself motivated all week long with a tracker that ensures you reach 30 minutes of walking per day. Each tracker comes with a recommended route. Pick the tracker with your desired route below. Click the hyperlink to download:
- UW Seattle
- UW Seattle – South Campus
- UW Medical Center
- Harborview Medical Center
- UW Tower
- UW Bothell
- UW Tacoma
By registering for UW Walk Week, you’ll get access to the Whole U Walk Week tracker and Whole U recommended walking routes. 20 random registrants will win Whole U swag and goodies!
Sign up now and don’t miss out!

Walkers from UW Walk Week in 2019!
Find your campus & register for Ambassador Walks below!
Check back often, walks will be added upon request. If you do not see your campus and are interested in leading a walk, please contact us by emailing ratsad@uw.edu.
UW Bothell
Tuesday, June 21
Who: Lacey Arnold – School of STEM Graduate Programs, UW Bothell
When: 2:00 PM
Meet at: “W Bothell” statue at the South entrance of campus between UW1 and UW2
UW Tacoma
Thursday, June 23
Who: Kelly Kledzik, Annemarie Martin, Aubree Steffens (UW Today)
When: 12:30 PM
Meet at: “W” on campus
UW Seattle
Tuesday, June 21
Who: Diane Andolsek – Graduate School/MHCI+D program
When: 12:30 PM
Meet at: The Burke Museum
Who: John Gannon – UW Alum
When: 12:00 PM
Meet at: HUB
Who: Diana Garcia-Snyder – UWB Interdisciplinary Arts and UWS Department of Dance
When: 12:00 PM
Meet at: Red Square
Who: Shannon R. Quinn – UW Study Abroad
When: 12:00 PM
Meet at: Schmitz Hall (meet on the NE Campus Parkway side of the bldg)
Wednesday, June 22
Who: Erin Mercer – UWHR
When: 10:30 AM
Meet at: Roosevelt Commons West Building
Who: Kathleen Crowell – Engineering Dean’s Office
When: 12:00 PM
Meet at: HUB, by bronze husky statue (west entrance)
Thursday, June 23
Who: Chris Pennington – Facilities; Safety
When: 11:00 AM
Meet at: HUB patio to Drumheller Fountain down Rainier Vista to Burke-Gilman Trail to Pend Oreille (Hill!) up to campus to Stevens Way, cross street over by Clark Hall then south back to HUB patio along west side of HUB
Who: Cheryl Ewaldsen – HFS
When: 12:00 PM
Meet at: Terry Central Offices
Who: John Gannon – UW Alum
When: 12:00 PM
Meet at: HUB
Who: Holly Schneidmiller – Office of Academic Personnel
When: 3:00 PM
Meet at: On the steps leading up to the front entrance to Gerberding Hall (entrance from Red Square)
UW Medical Center
Wednesday, June 22
Who: Caitlin Blomquist – School of Pharmacy
When: 12:00 PM
Meet at: Overpass Espresso (Health Sciences Building 4th floor T-wing)
Friday, June 24
Who: Betty Lanman – Radiology
When: 11:00 AM
Meet at: S1 Parking Lot entrance
Who: Caitlin Blomquist – School of Pharmacy
When: 12:00 PM
Meet at: Overpass Espresso (Health Sciences Building 4th floor T-wing)
UWPC Mountlake Terrace
Friday, June 24
When: 2:00 PM
UWPC Woodinville
Tuesday, June 21
Who: Kyla Bowman – Woodinville
When: 12:00 PM
Meet at: Meet in front of the clinic and walk around the block
2 Thoughts on “UW Walk Week 2022”
On May 25, 2022 at 8:53 AM, Lisa p Combs said:
I’m at UWMC Roosevelt, any walking plans you can offer?
On June 7, 2022 at 9:57 AM, Anna Tegelberg said:
Hi Lisa, UWMC Roosevelt is right next to the Roosevelt Commons Buildings. I recommend joining Erin Mercer on Wednesday, June 23.
Who: Erin Mercer – UWHR
When: 10:30 AM
Meet at: Roosevelt Commons West Building
Comments are closed.