Spring into March with Events from The Whole U
March is a season of transitions. As the quarter comes to a close, we begin to look toward spring in anticipation of the rejuvenation it brings—even as we continue to build on the good habits we’ve worked diligently to foster over the past two months. Building on our recently completed Dare to Do six-week New Year’s wellness challenge, you are invited to spend the month of March exploring the many ways nutrition impacts our health—and can optimize our lives—as part of The Whole U’s celebration of National Nutrition Month! With events ranging from seminars on sustainability to a cooking class focused on healthy St. Patty’s Day favorites, there’s something for everyone, no matter what your goals might be!
If you’re eager to give back, eat healthier, and save money, you won’t want to miss the events we have in store for March!
National Nutrition Month – Beginning March 2
Do you want to eat healthier for more energy and vitality overall? Start eating well, one bite at a time with National Nutrition Month—The Whole U’s annual celebration of food and the ways it fuels and connects us.
Register now and take the first step toward a balanced diet and more mindful food choices. Note: If you plan to participate in the National Nutrition Month department/healthy potluck challenge, make sure to click here so that your team can sign up together.
March 3, 4, 5, 10, 11, 12, 17, 18, 19, 31
UW Food Pantry, noon—1 pm
Looking for a great way to give back to the Husky community?
The UW Pantry needs your help! The Whole U is looking for volunteers during lunch hour on Tuesdays and Thursdays throughout March to help alleviate hunger and the stresses of food insecurity for members of the UW community.
Sign up and help us organize and restock non-perishable items, community resources, and feminine products at the UW Pantry. Invite your colleagues to help UW together! Learn more about the UW Pantry and their mission to ensure no Husky goes hungry here.
Food on Campus: Sustainability Plans and Initiatives
March 3 at Guggenheim Hall, 12:30—1:20 pm
How do our eating habits craft a campus climate around food? Find out at this seminar hosted by the UW Nutritional Sciences Program and CHanGE (Center for Health and the Global Environment) which will focus on Food on Campus: Sustainability Plans and Initiatives and be presented by Claudia Frere-Anderson, Director of UW Sustainability.
The Whole U Speaker Series: Fertility 101 – Tips & Treatment Options from the Experts
March 4 at Alder Hall Auditorium, 3:30—5 pm
If you’re thinking about building a family one day, planning a pregnancy, or if you’ve been trying unsuccessfully to conceive, join us on March 4 to have your questions about getting pregnant answered by a panel of fertility specialists featuring three doctors, a nurse, and a nutritionist—all UW Medicine experts. Learn fertility basics and how fertility treatments can solve different issues along the way.
Maximize Social Security in Retirement with Fidelity
March 5 at the HUB, noon—1 pm
Wondering how to optimize your Social Security benefits for retirement?
Join Doug Stucki, a Fidelity director and retirement planner, for a seminar covering all the different Social Security choices and ways to calculate and redeem benefits. Get help planning your retirement with tips and strategies that will help you navigate financial choices with an eye toward the long-term. UW employees who are planning to retire within the next few years are encouraged to attend this seminar and bring any questions!
What’s Your Plan? Strategies for Food Systems in the Age of Climate Change
March 10 at the Guggenheim Hall, 12:30—1:20 pm
Whether you want to reduce your carbon footprint by minding what you eat or learn more about how climate change is affecting our food system at large, join The Whole U for this seminar on Food Systems in the Age of Climate Change hosted by Dr. Yona Sipos of UW’s Nutritional Sciences Program and Environmental & Occupational Health Sciences.
Make the Most of Your Retirement Income with Fidelity
March 13 at the Harborview Medical Center, noon—1 pm
Looking to maximize your investments and income when creating your personalized retirement plan?
Join Dan Kline, a Fidelity director and retirement planner, on March 13 to learn how to better understand the financial risks that pre-retires may face and ways to identify expenses and income for creating a plan. Bring your questions to ask Dan and make this seminar a personalized first step to harnessing your income to benefit your retirement!
Cooking Greens with Chef Tracey
March 17 at the Lander Hall Local Point, 5:15—6:15 pm
Go green this March with the help of Chef Tracey. Attend her cooking class at Lander Hall on March 17 and you’ll be making healthy meals you can’t wait to eat in no time! Chef Tracey will demonstrate how to incorporate more greens and other colorful food items into your kitchen routine—from collard salad to quickles (quick pickled mustard greens). Once you’ve learned how to make the meal, stick around to sample each dish after the demonstration!
The Whole U Speaker Series: Nutrition & Fueling for Performance with Dr. Elizabeth Kirk
March 25 at the HUB, noon—1 pm
Are you sometimes flustered by all the conflicting facts online about the best foods to eat for athletes and high performance? Do you need some guidance in planning out your diet for more energy and fuel?
If so, The Whole U is inviting Dr. Kirk, a senior lecturer in the epidemiology program and acting director of the Nutritional Sciences Program at the UW School of Public Health, to speak to us about the foundation of nutrition behind your sport performance.
Whether you have questions regarding your own diet, a loved one’s, or about food and nutrition, and performance in general, you’ll have the chance to ask them and get answers at this informative seminar!
Wondering what other fun, exciting events and informative articles are offered by The Whole U? Head to our events page to explore all the do-it-yourself downloads and fitness plans that will help you take life to the next level!
From helpful kitchen “cheat-sheets” for creating delicious, nutritious meals to workout plans for getting stronger and healthier overall, use our downloads to be more accountable and driven in your daily life. Follow us on Facebook, on Twitter, or on Instagram to stay up to date on everything going on, including fun social media-specific features and contests!