Staff Story: Dalya’s Dance Crew
It’s the University District’s best dance party—and it happens in broad daylight. Twice a week for the past six years, a group of University of Washington faculty, staff, and students have gathered to move, groove, and otherwise get down at a lunch hour dance class from noon to 1pm in a studio space at the Kelly Ethnic Cultural Center.
Most of the time, the lunch hour dance class is led by Dalya Perez, a fourth year PhD student in the College of Education. After joining the UW in 2013, Perez—who is also a researcher on the Brotherhood Initiative research team examining the graduation gap for men of color—decided to initiate the Tuesday-Thursday session as a way of getting motivated to work out during the day to leave more time free in the evenings.
“I’m a working mom, so when I go home, I can be with my family, have dinner, do bath time, bed time and not leave to go take a run or go to the gym,” she says. “I want to be determined to fit my fitness in to my work day.”
The class takes a Zumba-style format, with high-energy tunes and a mirror at the front that allows dancers to follow along, learning moves as they go as well as improvising their own. Perez incorporates a range of dance and workout styles into each class—from bootcamp-style jumping jacks and squats to salsa, hip-hop, and meringue. The class is high-energy, yet “so low-pressure.”
“We have this beautiful community of multigenerational folks—all bodies, all genders, all peoples,” Perez says. “We move joyfully and to feel alive and to dance it out. I want to bring it all and create a space where we can let go and be silly and uninhibited, bold and brave, and also strong and tough.”
“I’m doing this out of my love and joy for doing this; it’s not about perfection.”
The group’s motto of late is, “when in doubt, squat it out,” meaning that if you can’t follow a certain dance move, just squat in place until you feel like jumping back into the routine. Perez had to step back herself in the past year as she recovered from having her second child. Lena Hopkins, a former staff member in human resources at UW Continuum College who now works for the city of Lynnwood, took over in her stead.
Upon her return, Perez says she recognized how essential dance can be to anyone going through difficult times.
“We’ve had people dance through hardships and stress and pregnancies and through joyful celebrations and milestones. It’s just been an incredible circle of dancing community.”
All that dancing does mean that she and others head back to work a little more unkempt than when they arrived, but Perez says the energized feeling she gets after a dance workout more than makes up for it: “It helps me get back into that space of concentration. I call it my second coffee for the day.”
Rachel Livingston, a program administrator with UW Continuum College who has been dancing with Dalya’s Dance Crew for more than five years, seconds that sentiment: “It’s a great endorphin rush and I have learned a lot about dancing and am a much better dancer since I’ve been dancing with Dalya.”
The group recently marked Livingston’s birthday along with a host of others’. “I think it makes us all feel younger and happier,” Livingston says.
UW research scientist Mary Jane Lohr is another group regular who started doing dance aerobics with colleagues in the basement of the School of Social Work in the 1980s. The group remained an underground phenomenon—literally and figuratively—for decades until Dalya started leading classes and the group swelled in size and moved locations.
“Word grew, because Dalya’s got so much energy and is so much fun,” Lohr says. “If someone is thinking about checking us out, I’d say, definitely try a class—there’s nothing to lose; everyone is really low-key; it’s just about having fun.”
For Perez, dancing and movement is about “love and life.”
“My mom is from Egypt and my dad is from the Philippines and part of my parents’ love story was that they found each other through folkloric dancing when they were both immigrants and refugees in this country. That was part of their courtship, so I feel like it’s in my blood.”
Dancing, Perez says, can completely turn a day around.
“It’s part of resiliency. I can be in a really dark, low place and with dance I can reconnect with a place that feels joyful, good, and true,” she says.
“It’s a way that I can literally sweat toxins out of me and free myself of burdens and recreate myself.”
For an activity that involves so much movement, the weekly dance crew meet ups continue to provide Perez and others a sense of stability and consistency among personal and professional growth and change.
“This is my total passion and joy,” Perez says. “I’ve never done it professionally and so I’ve found this place to do it recreationally and I’m so grateful for it.”

Dalya’s Dance Crew. When Perez had her second child, Lena Hopkins (kneeling at center) led the class in her absence. (Photo: Lena Hopkins)
20 Thoughts on “Staff Story: Dalya’s Dance Crew”
On July 19, 2019 at 8:28 AM, Barbara said:
how have I never heard of this!? how can I join in the fun?
On July 19, 2019 at 3:37 PM, Lena said:
You sure can! Tuesdays and Thursdays at the Ethnic Cultural Center. 12-1pm. Go there and ask Dalya to join her email listserv!
On July 19, 2019 at 9:02 AM, Beth Cook said:
That sure sounds like fun! Can alumni attend?
On July 19, 2019 at 6:28 PM, Dalya said:
Yes! It’s open to all. Tuesdays and Thursdays 12-1 in the ECC!
On July 19, 2019 at 9:10 AM, Susanne said:
Wow! Sounds fabulous! I’d love to join in!
On July 19, 2019 at 3:40 PM, Lena said:
You should! Tuesdays and Thursdays at the Ethnic Cultural Center. 12-1pm. Go there and ask Dalya to add you to her email listserv!
On July 19, 2019 at 10:49 AM, Emily Affolter said:
It’s all true. Dalya’s Dance Crew gives us a place to be FREE and JOYOUS and UNINHIBITED and COMMUNITY-CENTRIC in the middle of the work day. It is a place I go to be lifted up by the collective energy and energized into the next realm of my week. THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU to Dalya (and Lena) for cultivating this exceptional space.
On July 19, 2019 at 3:44 PM, Lena said:
hey girl! I heard you went to GHS? Bulldog? Yes? You know I’ve always thought you looked familiar, but I didn’t think to ask you if you went to school out here. Take care!
On July 21, 2019 at 6:28 PM, Emily Affolter said:
Yesss bulldog for life! We MUST have crossed paths on so many decades of this life.
Thankful for you!
On July 19, 2019 at 6:29 PM, Dalya Perez said:
I love you!!
On July 19, 2019 at 11:29 AM, Lena said:
GREAT ARTICLE! I miss those ladies!!
On July 19, 2019 at 12:46 PM, Katie said:
Love this crew and it’s captain! ❤️ Miss you all!
On July 19, 2019 at 6:30 PM, Dalya Perez said:
Katie!!! I miss you!!!!
On July 19, 2019 at 1:03 PM, Jessica said:
Would love info on how to participate. 🙂
On July 19, 2019 at 6:31 PM, Dalya said:
Tuesdays and Thursdays 12-1pm in the ECC (40th and Brooklyn)
On July 19, 2019 at 2:10 PM, Josée Perez said:
Can Dalya’s mom attend..???????
On July 22, 2019 at 9:07 AM, Lena said:
YES!! Mama Perez, you can most definitely join DDC!!! heehee
On July 20, 2019 at 10:43 AM, maurice amiel said:
BRAVO Dalya … this article gave me a rush of pride and happiness and a shove to get out of the hole I am in right now.
Photography and drawing are my dance equivalent … so here I come with camera and pen.
Much love
Uncle Mo
On July 21, 2019 at 6:46 PM, Maria Clara C Perez said:
Wish I live nearby cuz I’ll surely join. I’m in Washington DC. Love you my big girl. This is Auntie nene
On July 22, 2019 at 8:33 AM, Diana K. said:
Thanks for this story! I participated in this group for a period of time and reading about it inspires me to visit again! Miss you, Dalya and Lena!!
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