Nominate a Colleague for a Husky Green Award
All across the University of Washington are unsung sustainability superstars. Staff who make sure the office is recycling right, faculty who spark a life-long love of the environment in their classes, students who make change happen on campus—these environmental role models deserve recognition.
That’s where you come in. We need you to let us know who on campus deserves a Husky Green Award. The awards are given each year to individuals or teams from the UW community who have demonstrated leadership, initiative, and dedication to campus sustainability.
We rely on nominations to identify the award winners. Students, faculty, and staff from any of the UW campuses are eligible, and anyone in the UW community can submit a nomination until the deadline on Tuesday, March 1.
As an added bonus, anyone who submits a nomination will have a chance to win one of our prize packs, featuring Husky Grind coffee and a reusable mug!
Winners will be recognized during the UW’s Earth Day celebration on Red Square on Friday, April 22, and will have 10 native plants planted in their honor. You can see all the previous winners online at the UW Sustainability website.
The University of Washington is regularly named one of the greenest schools in the country. Help us recognize the people who work every day to keep it that way!
Daimon Eklund is the communications coordinator for UW’s Environmental Stewardship & Sustainability office. A native of Montana, Daimon moved to Seattle two years ago to take advantage of the proximity to the mountains and sea, as well as earning a Master’s degree in Digital Media at UW.