Seven Enlightening Books on Nutrition
This March, we’re celebrating National Nutrition Month at University Book Store. Here are seven of our favorite reads to help you eat more nutritiously every day.
Whole: Rethinking the Science of Nutrition by T. Colin Campbell, PhD with Howard Jacobson, PhD
In the follow-up to his bestselling China Study, T. Colin Campbell continues his compelling argument for whole food — rather than single ingredient focused — nutrition. Drawing on years of study, this book won’t give you recipes or tips, but what it does give you is a deeply fascinating take on the science behind food as medicine and the role of whole foods in overall health.
Passionate Nutrition by Jennifer Adler, MS, CN
Mixing a powerful story of personal healing with easy-to-understand science and down-to-earth dietary information, this new healthy-living primer by certified nutritionist Jennifer Adler focuses on digestion, balance, and whole foods. Emphasizing the plethora of healthy foods out there and their connection to well-being, Adler inspires readers to embrace and enjoy their powerful healing properties.
This Is What You Just Put in Your Mouth? by Patrick Di Justo
Are you more motivated to eat well by discovering how bad many of the things you eat may be for you? Filled with strange facts and extensive research, this entertaining and enlightening look at what’s really in the things we eat — written by Wired magazine’s Patrick Di Justo — will help you not only decode food labels, but answer questions like, “If I Can’t Believe It’s Not Butter isn’t butter, what is it?”
Clean Eats Alejandro Junger, MD
In his bestselling books Clean and Clean Gut, cardiologist Alejandro Junger traced the majority of today’s ailments back to irritated digestive systems and offered a toxin-busting cleansing program as the solution. In this new cookbook, Junger provides healthy recipes — ranging from vegan options to meat lovers’ menus — for clean eating, natural detoxification, and healing of a variety of health issues.
Anti-Inflammatory Eating Made Easy by Michelle Babb, MS, RD, CD
With recent research linking persistent inflammation to a variety of health issues and serious diseases, anti-inflammatory diets rich in omega-3s and antioxidants are in the spotlight. Written by Seattle nutritionist Michelle Babb, this recent book makes anti-inflammatory eating understandable and sustainable through clear explanations, an easy-to-follow cleansing program, and 75 delicious anti-inflammatory recipes.
52 New Foods Challenge by Jennifer Tyler Lee
Have every intention of making healthier meals for your family but also have a picky child (or adult) who makes it nearly impossible? Jennifer Tyler Lee understands. In her revolutionary cookbook/52-week meal guide/fun family game, she makes eating vegetables a blast, trying new foods an adventure, and healthy eating and cooking an activity in which everyone will enjoy participating.
Cooked by Michael Pollan
Known for his bestselling books In Defense of Food and The Omnivore’s Dilemma, Michael Pollan has established himself as a modern authority on food, its effects on our health, and its political, economic, and environmental implications. In his latest book, Pollan explores the practice of cooking and preservation, revealing how preparing our own food helps us not only protect its nutritional value but also connect to the earth and others, inspiring us to take cooking back for ourselves.
To check out these books and others, stop in any of our stores or shop online at ubookstore.com today!
Thanks to the University Book Store for inspiring us with these healthy reads! Are you ready to celebrate National Nutrition Month by trying some new recipes? Join March Culinary Countdown to have cooking tips and tricks sent directly to your inbox.