CONTEST: Who’s Your Valentine?
Nothing is more important than the people in our lives, and Valentine’s Day is the perfect reminder to celebrate those we love. Whether it’s your significant other or your best friend, your mom or your dog, tell us about your Valentine for a chance to win a $25 gift certificate to Fran’s Chocolate. We’ll randomly choose a winner from the comments right after Valentine’s weekend (9am Tuesday, February 18th). To get us started, Marti Young wrote about her Valentine:
Without getting too syrupy, these are a few of my favorite things about my Valentine (in no particular order):
He never loses his patience with me, or anyone else. This is a feat of great discipline and self-control. “To be sure.”
Whenever we have a night at home, he hovers over me while I’m busy in the kitchen. Sometimes I’m inclined to chase him out with the wooden spoon, but then he says something adorable like, “Is there anything I can do to help you?” Then he sits on the kitchen floor and reads the news aloud to me from his iPad.
Occasionally, I’ll get to spy on his private interactions with our dog. He is so kind to him. The gentle voice, the feather-light touch, the snuggling on the couch, the games of midnight frisbie…I understand Quinn’s affinity for Michael perfectly.
My husband has no “can’t.” He can do anything. Period.
He loves my wild-dressing, adrenaline-crazed, foul-mouthed friends. If you’ve ever met my friends, you understand the significance of this and what a great gift for love and acceptance Michael must possess. Well, you know me, so you clearly get it.
He never lets the workday get past without calling. At least twice.
And he leaves messages if he doesn’t get me. I have an archive of the sweetest voicemails ever, in which there are several recitations of Neruda’s Sonnet 17, random Emily Dickinson and the occasional Rosetti.
I like that he doesn’t like to come home to an empty house. And that if he does, he immediately calls whining. No seriously, like whining-whining. It’s endearing to be missed, if I’m being honest.
Sure, I’m likely partial, but that guy is out-of-this-world smart. Smart is sexy. I’ve got three words for you: Q & A. It’s his best format.
Speaking of out-of-this world smart: his favorite television show is Big Bang Theory, which makes sense. He’s pretty much a mix of Leonard and Sheldon, and just the proper amount of Penny when it serves him. Brilliant.
He has never been angry with me. How is that possible?
He never leaves the house without locking me in. Never. Not even at our home in Park City…behind a locked gate with a security guard.
I say, “I have an idea.” He says: I LOVE IDEAS! Because he does. He never shuts me down, and he always backs up his enthusiasm with action. He has faith in me.
Who makes your life sweet? Share your story in the comments!
17 Thoughts on “CONTEST: Who’s Your Valentine?”
On February 13, 2014 at 9:40 AM, Melissa said:
My Valentine is my family and friends. Every year, I bake gifts for each and every one of them. I want to let them know that I value and love them. I would like every one of them to be their Valentine. 🙂
On February 13, 2014 at 9:54 AM, Marti Young said:
Melissa, need any new friends?
On February 13, 2014 at 9:49 AM, Lindsay said:
My husband of almost 10 years is my perpetual Valentine! We don’t do a big Valentine’s Day out or anything, but we always split a box of chocolates and have a nice evening in watching movies. Perfect!
On February 13, 2014 at 9:59 AM, Margaret Murray said:
It’s almost too perfect, but my Valentine is named Romeo. We adopted him from a shelter 2 years ago. The rescue found him wandering around in the mountains with no tags, but they knew his name because it was written on his collar in magic marker. He was skin and bones, terrified of everything, and had a broken tail. Now he’s a completely happy and spoiled pup. He brings me joy every time I come home, so tomorrow he’s getting an extra special bone!
On February 13, 2014 at 10:29 AM, M.Castro said:
Vday also happens to be my partners bday! She gets extra special treatment from her friends and family. Our tradition is, I make her a special meal, anything she wants. This year she has requested a full Thanksgiving meal, tofurkey and all! I cant wait to make it for her 🙂
On February 18, 2014 at 4:38 PM, Margaret Murray said:
Congrats! You’ve won! Check your UW email for your gift card to Fran’s 🙂
On February 13, 2014 at 10:42 AM, Jessica Henson said:
My valentine is not only my boyfriend but also my hero and best friend. For the past three years we’ve been together there hasn’t been a day that he doesn’t bring a smile to my face. Although some times we do not get to see each other for many, many months because he is a Staff Sergeant in the Army he still goes out of his way even on deployments to remind me that he loves me and is thinking about me by sending me cards, flowers, or sweet emails. He has even surprised me by coming home early not once but twice, and those are some of my most cherished memories. With military relationships you realize how special every day is because you don’t know when they will be called away for duty, so we try to live every day as if it were a special day like Valentine’s Day.
On February 13, 2014 at 11:51 AM, Margaret Murray said:
Please thank your boyfriend for his service. And thank you for supporting him!
I met my husband while he was in the Army. We went through one deployment together and it was so hard, but it also made us closer. Our Skype conversatons are how I really got to know him.
On February 13, 2014 at 11:37 AM, Tara Brown said:
This year, I will have 12 valentines – the girls I coach on the Edmonds-Woodway High School basketball team! We have our second playoff game tomorrow night against one of the top teams in the state, and if we win, I’m sure there will be lots of celebrating with plenty of boxes of chocolate. 🙂 I love getting to work with these girls.
On February 13, 2014 at 11:44 AM, K. Birt said:
My Valentine is my husband of 10 years (anni next week!). He’s a wonderful husband, father and fire-fighter. He’s quiet, strong, and works hard in becoming a better man all the time. Thankful for this great guy, for sure!
On February 14, 2014 at 9:20 AM, Robert Lindsley said:
Both my fiancé and I are long on the record for not being fans of this particular holiday, and each year we set a rule that we will not do anything to recognize the day. However, every February 14th I can’t resist seeing her excitement for a box of chocolates and she always has a baked treat hidden somewhere around the house for me to discover. I know that it is silly to reinforce a rule that we always break, but there is something about removing the expectation associated with the holiday that makes these small gestures seem thoughtful and authentic. (and I get to eat whichever of the chocolates she does not like, which is a solid win-win!)
On February 14, 2014 at 9:50 AM, Angela Garza said:
My valentine is my perfect boyfriend. I couldn’t ask for a better man to have and share my life with. He’s always there for me, is a hard working in all realms of life and I don’t know what I would do without him! This is the second Valentine’s Day that we have spent together and so far they have been the best ones ever! Happy Valentine’s Day everyone! 🙂
On February 14, 2014 at 1:27 PM, Lauren Updyke said:
My Valentines this year are my husband, two children and father. My Dad has been with us for a few months while my mom went to Norway to help my sister with her baby and it has been wonderful having him with us. We will never get this time back and I am so glad to cherish these moments. My husband is incredible. We always just spend quality time together on Valentines and make a fun weekend for the family and maybe throw in a fun date in the mix. My kids woke me up early like it was Christmas. It was for them. This year I went all out and made breakfast and bought them some fun gifts to play with. h I love Valentines Day!!!
On February 14, 2014 at 4:44 PM, Ardith said:
I don’t have a main-squeeze valentine this year, and that’s okay! I have a sprawling network of friends. They’re in Seattle, Portland, Wenatchee, California, and pretty much the rest of the world. I got to start the day by sending silly greetings to some of my best friends (thanks, KING5!) and caught up with several folks that way. And of course, I had to share a fun CrossFit-esque message with my FB friends. I also spent the day with my awesome team, which basically means Friday/V-Day was great, valentine or not. So much love in just one day. 🙂
On February 17, 2014 at 4:07 PM, Rose said:
My three men (hubby & 2sons) drove to Anaheim, CA for good 16hrs to celebrate Valentines Day & 91st Birthday of my mom-in-law. Great family bonding all weekend long! ❤️❤️❤️
On February 18, 2014 at 4:40 PM, Margaret Murray said:
M. Castro won! Thanks to everyone who shared their Valentine with us. Hope you had a wonderful holiday!
On February 19, 2014 at 6:53 AM, Jamie said:
I met my boyfriend online via a dating site. I had just moved to a new city where I had no friends or associates. He asked me out three times before I finally said yes. Our first date was comprised of a tour of the city and ended with him singing to me. Our second date lasted three days when I lost my entire set of keys and couldn’t move my car, get into my apartment or into work. Despite the insanity of that date he stuck by stayed calm and made me laugh even when I desperately wanted to cry! Fast forward 6 months, I just had surgery and am pretty much incapable of doing anything for myself while recovering…he is still the most supportive, loving boyfriend I could ever hope to find. My life was incomplete before I met him and I couldn’t imagine a day without seeing his smile and holding his hand.
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