Composting: Everything you wanted to know but were afraid to ask
When you close your eyes, what’s the first thing that comes to mind when you hear the word COMPOST? If you said “worms,” you’re not alone. Do you wonder…
How do I keep the smell down?
Will worms crawl all over my house?
WHEN do I know it’s ready?
WHAT should I do when it’s ready?
How do I get started?
Get answers to ALL of your compost questions at the next Whole U Speaker Series: Composting 101 on Wednesday, October 1 at noon in HUB 145.
Join UW experts Sarah Geurkink, manager of UW Farm, and Mike Erickson, UW lead gardener, for an educational and entertaining session about composting.
Get the down and dirty details and walk away with easy tactics for how to work composting practices into your life. Bring your questions – you know you have them – and ask the experts!
Composting is making a difference here at UW. Learn how Mike transforms leaf litter and spent coffee grounds into compost. This ongoing project has already taken 71 tons of leaves and 25 tons of coffee grounds out of our waste streams! This work, along with many other projects, helped UW win the Sustainable Campus Excellence Award this summer!
Register now! You’ll walk away with easy steps for composting at home or work — with (or without!) the worms.
To request disability accommodation, contact the Disability Services Office at 206.543.6450 (voice), 206.543.6452 (TTY) or dso@u.washington.edu, preferably at least 10 days in advance of the event.