neil dempsey quote

VIDEO: Neal Dempsey on Endurance

Posted on by Margaret Murray. This entry was posted in Engaging Interests. Bookmark the permalink.

Neal Dempsey is an entrepreneur, a philanthropist, and a UW alum. Although he now lives out of state, he came back to UW to talk with faculty and staff about how an endurance mindset can help with your life, career, and health. If you weren’t able to make it to the HUB for this lunchtime seminar, fear not! Here is the video where you can hear about Neal’s adventures and life lessons.

The main point of the talk? Keep on going! Lianne Lindeke from Foster School noted on our Facebook page that his inspirational message would make great t-shirts:

neil dempsey quotes


Other feedback we received from faculty & staff:

I liked having exposure to such a distinguished alum, successful business leader, etc. It was very interesting to hear what has worked for him. Thanks for the opportunity!

Loved that he was real and spoke from the heart!

Overall event was very positive and uplifting. 

Fun and inspirational


For me, the best part was using this inspiration to set personal goals. We asked attendees if they set a goal, and many did:

To finish the half marathon with a smile on my face

During the Summer of FUNction Fitness Challenge, I will help us to push through the failures that arise for both my team as well as for me.

Refocus on major projects within my department to see them through, despite recurring obstacles!

I already had a goal (weight loss/healthier lifestyle) and I’ve already lost 14 lbs! I went to keep invigorated and his pep talk was just what I needed. I walked home from work, as is my custom but added a late evening walk with my dogs. Just a little extra I attributed to Neal’s talk.


Let us know what goal you set or your favorite Neal-ism after you watch the video. “Every step matters!”