Smoking Cessation

UW’s resources to quit smoking

Quitting smoking is no easy task, but it will help you breathe easier, feel better, and have more energy to do what you enjoy. All of UW’s health insurance plans offer online resources to help you quit. Some plans also offer counseling and nicotine replacement therapies.

If you are ready to make this lifestyle change, check out these great resources to help you achieve your goal.

Learn more about the dangers of smoking and tobacco use. Here are three key reasons to live tobacco free offered by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention:

  1. Smoking leads to disease and disability and harms nearly every organ of the body.
  2. Smoking is the leading cause of preventable death.
  3. On average, smokers die 10 years earlier than nonsmokers.

What’s Tobacco Talk?

A Tobacco Talk helps UW students, employees, and patients make decisions around their tobacco use.

Tobacco Talk provides one-on-one counseling, educational and support groups, and real-world insights about stopping smoking right at the Husky Health Center. Whether you’re wanting to stop entirely, cut down, or not yet sure, Husky Health Center can provide support and help making a plan.

Looking for other options? The experts at UW Medicine compiled resources to quit smoking or using tobacco (PDF), which contains community resources, toll-free hotline to help you quit, and other general information about tobacco use.

Smoking Policy

While we are a smoke-free campus, you can find the specifics of UW’s policy, as well as designated smoking locations, by visiting the Environmental Health and Safety smoking policy page.