Setting Up Google+

Before you can join a Google+ Group, you will need to have a NetID. If you do not have a NetID, you can obtain one from UW IT.

After you have your NetID, you will need to enable the “UW Google Apps” for your account. To do so, you will need to visit the “Manage UW NetID Resources” site for your account.

Once you have successfully logged in, click the “UW Google Apps” link from the list of options on the left. Once you are on the “Manage UW Google Apps” screen, you will be presented with a list of options for enabling your NetID to use Google Apps.

Screen Shot of Google Plus

First, in “Step 1,” you must agree to the terms of use. Second, in “Step 3,” be sure to NOT change your email delivery settings. Your department has already configured your email options; making any changes here would reverse those settings and potentially keep you from receiving email as you have. Make sure the “No, do not change delivery setting” is selected! Finally, click the “Sign Up” button at the bottom of the form to create your account.

Screen Shot of Google Plus

Once your account is created, you will be presented with a success message a list of next steps. To continue to Google Apps, click the “Sign In” link listed as step 1.

Screen Shot of Google Plus

You will be presented with a window to sign into Google Apps. To sign in, enter your UW email address and your UW NetID password. After signing in, you may be prompted to sign in with your NetID again.

Once you have signed in, you will be taken to a page that looks similar to Gmail. In the upper right corner of the page, you will see your UW email address. Click on your address and a menu will appear below it. From that menu, click the “Join Google+” button to access Google+.

Screen Shot of Google Plus

Clicking that button will take you to Google+. All you need to do now is set some preferences and you’re in! After you are in, you can start to search for friends in the UW community and join communities created by the UW community for the UW community.

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