Dare to Do in 2019!
Even amid the hustle and bustle of the holidays and year-end deadlines, it can feel reinvigorating to set aside some time as the year draws to a close to celebrate and reflect on what we’ve accomplished and analyze areas of our lives we’d like to improve. In doing so, you might just find yourself setting a few goals for the New Year!

Olympic medalist Elise Ray, head coach of UW Gymnastics, will kick off the challenge with a January 9 seminar on goal-setting!
Finding time for self-reflection and improvement might seem difficult, but what if I told you that The Whole U has prepared an ultimate New Year’s challenge that targets every aspect of your potential New Year’s resolutions to help you reach them?
Whether you want to be better at goal setting, moving more, eating better, getting out of debt, being more giving, being more accepting of others (or yourself!), or simply simplifying things a little, we’ve got you covered.
Starting January 7, The Whole U’s Dare to Do challenge will deliver tools and resources to help support and sustain your efforts to make positive, lasting change in 2019!
All you have to do this month is register NOW!
The challenge formally kicks off with a motivational seminar by UW Gymnastics head coach, Elise Ray. Held at the UW Tower, this seminar will also be filmed for those who do not work close by. To attend or to have a link to the recorded video emailed to you, register here.
How it works.
To account for everyone’s goals and to reflect a healthy view to the whole self, every week we will dare participants to focus on a different, but equally important facet of overall wellness:
Week 1 – Dare to Pause – Taking time to reflect, set goals, and be mindful of intention.
Week 2 – Dare to Move – Focusing on incorporating fitness and physical activity throughout the day.
Week 3 – Dare to Fuel – Learning about food for performance at work, home, and for an active lifestyle.
Week 4 – Dare to Improve – Honing in on time management, organization, and financial wellness.
Week 5 – Dare to Give – Giving time and service to those in need.
Week 6 – Dare to Accept – Finding happiness, contentment, and being accepting of oneself and others.
Week 7 – Dare to Reduce – Working to reduce waste, be more sustainable, and simplify life.
Week 8 – Dare to Do – Reviewing progress and setting goals for total wellness throughout 2019!
It might seem like a lot, but you’d be surprised what you can accomplish one step at a time. Small improvements each day can add up!
The Whole U will also offer seminars that align with the above topics across January and February, giving you a chance to learn, engage in, and actively practice a healthier, happier lifestyle. We plan to bring back many events from past years that participants told us they found impactful!
Here is what participants had to say in years past:
Stay Organized Seminar with Kammie Lisenby CEO of Organizing Experts
“This is easily one of the best Whole U events I’ve attended. Thank you so much for making this available to us!”
—Jennifer, Operations Specialist, School of Social Work
Eating on the Run
“The presentation was so upbeat and encouraging. I liked the way the presenters worked together and affirmed each other. The handouts were very helpful. On a clipboard at home, I have started a list of foods we all like, a list of recipes we try, and a list of menu items for a two week rotation of meals. Hopefully it is a good change from fumbling around wondering what to cook!”
—Sheila, Advisor, Industrial & Systems Engineering
Take Control of Your Finances Workshop
“I chatted with a few others who exited this workshop with me and we were all blown away by how much we learned. It was a lot to take in and I wish this information was more widely spread for young and old alike. I’m super excited to implement a budget to get on track. I now know what the bare minimum of financial organization is and we are on our way to making this our reality at home. Thank you so much for this valuable workshop.”
—Anne, Executive Assistant to the ACMO, Principal Accounts
This one-of-a-kind challenge begins Monday, January 7 and runs through Saturday, March 2. All participants will also get access to our Fitness Passport, which will offer free passes to participating gyms!
Throughout the challenge, we’ll continually refresh this site with additional Dare to Do resources as well as social media contests sure to engage, entertain, and inspire! (Be sure to join our Being Active and Eating Well private groups in addition to following our main page).
As the challenge progresses—and your own progress along with it—there will be opportunities to score FREE Whole U swag such as a Whole U zipper pocket gym bag or cell phone wallet.
We hope you’re as excited as we are to help you reach and exceed your New Year’s goals! Let’s Dare to Do in 2019 and GO DAWGS!