Celebrate UW Walk Week!
No matter the weather outside, warmer weather is on its way. With each passing week, there are ever more opportunities to get outdoors and get moving. That’s why, from April 3 through 7, we’re proud to sponsor UW Walk Week—a celebration of the way we move and the boundless benefits it brings.
According to The Center of Disease Control (CDC), sustained walking sessions for a minimum of 30 to 60 minutes a day, five days a week, can reduce health risks and have many overall health benefits such as reducing the chances of cancer, type 2 diabetes, heart disease, anxiety, and depression.
No matter what moves you, there’s no denying the benefits. But because we understand everyone’s workday is unique, we wanted to make it as easy as possible to get out and make walking a part of your daily routine. That’s why we’ve organized two walk events, so no matter what moves you to make walking a larger part of your life, you’ll find a way to get there.
April 5 is National Walk Day, when The American Heart Association encourages Americans to get out and walk for at least 30 minutes. Celebrate it with The Whole U by organizing and leading departmental or group 30-minute walks across all campuses. You and your group will receive a Whole U branded pocket wristband for making the effort to move throughout your workday! If you are interested in being one of our walking leaders, please register here.
April 7 is celebrated as National Walk to Work Day. Commit to walking to work if your commute allows it, or walk at work at any time throughout the day. You only need 30 minutes! Walk on your own or with a colleague and make sure to share your experience with The Whole U to receive a Whole U branded pocket wristband. Register here to commit to 30 minutes of walking!