Dare to Do 2016!
Don’t just make a resolution this year… make a new you. Each week of the Dare to Do challenge will encourage you to step outside your norm: Dare to Move, Dine, Praise, Pause, Care, Explore, Simplify, and Connect. Weekly articles will provide ideas and resources to make it possible.
We are also daring you to choose any or all of these three goals: Steps Taken, Weight loss, and/or Minutes Exercised. We’ll make it social with optional workouts with UW coaches, seminars with UW dieticians, and more. Participants who submit their weekly progress will be entered to win prizes from Whole U discount partners, and those who report all six weeks will be entered for the Grand Prize Package.
The challenge runs Tuesday, January 19 – Sunday, March 13. The first 1,000 faculty and staff to register will receive a Dare to Do notebook to track their progress.