We are the champions of the UW Summer Olympics Challenge

Posted on by Sebastian Ky. This entry was posted in Being Active, Eating Well, Engaging Interests, Staying Healthy. Bookmark the permalink.

This summer, the University of Washington community came together for an unforgettable experience with the 2024 UW Summer Olympics Challenge! From July 26 to August 11, over 1,200 UW faculty, staff, and families committed themselves to achieving personal and team goals across the six pillars of well-being: being active, eating well, engaging interests, financially fit, life events and changes, staying healthy, and volunteerism.

Participants didn’t just focus on their own well-being; they also came together to raise funds for Special Olympics Washington.

Through our collective efforts, we raised over $4,000!

Directly supporting the incredible work Special Olympics Washington does to empower individuals with intellectual disabilities through sports, health, and leadership programs.

The challenge kicked off with an inspiring opening ceremony featuring Heather Tarr, head coach of UW Softball and coach for the 2020 Tokyo Olympics softball team. Coach Tarr shared valuable insights on accountability, setting well-being goals, and finding success in every aspect of life. She emphasized that growth and success often come through facing challenges, encouraging participants to embrace every perspective in their pursuit of greatness.

Coach Tarr’s challenge to our participants was simple yet powerful: “Wake up every single day and know that you are beautiful, know that you are creating the ability to be resilient and becoming a durable person, and at the end of the day, that you can compete to be your best self.”

Missed the opening ceremony? You can still be inspired by Coach Tarr’s keynote on The Whole U’s YouTube channel:

Throughout the challenge, participants engaged in a variety of hosted activities to reach their daily goals. Here’s what they had to say about the experience:

“I used the helpful tips given at this event to take some nice photos at a large gathering of family and friends. I’m excited to share these pictures! Smartphone Photography 101 is both useful and inspiring for anyone with a smartphone.” – Larry, IT Specialist, Physiology

  • Restorative Yoga Class with Chelsea from Pranify Yoga
    Chelsea led a soothing restorative yoga session, providing a much-needed opportunity for relaxation and stress relief.

Chelsea is an excellent yoga teacher! I am a member at Pranify and the fact that they offer a discount to UW employees is how I can afford a monthly membership. Keep bringing Pranify back to campus!!” – Whitney, Employer Relations, Information School

  • Mindfulness Walk with UW Sustainability’s Danny Arguetty
    Danny Arguetty guided a peaceful mindfulness walk, encouraging participants to connect with nature and practice mindfulness in a tranquil setting.

This was truly wonderful! Danny did a great job facilitating by giving participants different options and having the group stop in a few locations. I met UW staff members I would never have met otherwise and noticed things on campus I normally don’t notice. Thank you!” – Caitlyn, Program Manager, Evans School of Public Policy & Governance

  • Wetlands Tour at UW Bothell
    On July 30, 2024, participants explored the beautiful wetlands at UW Bothell, learning about the local ecosystem and the importance of environmental conservation.

So great to hear about the history of the land, and of restoration efforts. Really appreaciated the guide acknowledging the forcable removal of the Willow People, as well.” – Tamara – Access services manager, Library

  • Daily 10-Minute Guided Meditation
    Throughout the challenge, Anna Tegelberg offered daily guided meditation sessions, helping participants find calm and focus amidst their busy lives.
  • Veggie Stir Fry Demo with Chef Eliot Norris
    On August 5, 2024, Chef Eliot Norris from UW Housing & Food Services led a live cooking demonstration, teaching participants how to create a delicious and nutritious veggie stir fry.

I loved Chef Norris! Funny, friendly and his demeanor made it a fun learning experience.” – Jane, Food Services

As the challenge drew to a close, participants gathered for the closing ceremonies to celebrate their achievements and receive their medals.

Participants shared their success stories, highlighting the impact of the challenge on their personal lives:

“We had a fun, engaged team. We did a few events together, including some workouts, and sharing tips for drinking more water and eating more fruits and vegetables” – Lori, Patient Billing, Dental Clinic

“This was a blast. Chef was fun and engaging. loved his improvisations with the garlic, etc. a knife cutting class for the future as he mentioned would be great. thanks for your creative ideas!” – Sandra, Research Scientist Radioloy

“I really enjoyed the Summer Olympics. I learned a lot about my lifestyle and the different changes I need to make to better myself.” – Deshawna, Admin

“It was a great way to think intentionally about my health–thank you!” – Denisse, Academic Advisor, Department of Communication

“Thank you for offering this. Some of us plan to continue some aspects. Our team enjoyed doing our volunteer activity together, especially since we are not all together as often as we used to be.” – Denise, Director, Human Resources

The Whole U team extends our heartfelt thanks to everyone who participated in and supported the UW Summer Olympics Challenge. We’re incredibly proud of the UW community’s commitment to health and well-being, and we look forward to continuing this journey together.

As we move forward, let’s continue to build on the healthy habits we’ve developed during this challenge. Stay active, eat well, and keep that Olympic spirit alive in all that you do!

Thank you, UW, for making this summer one to remember.

For more opportunities to stay engaged and continue your wellness journey, join our upcoming events and activities listed on The Whole U’s website.

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