UW Retirees’ Resource Fair is Sept. 13
Thinking about retirement and wondering where to turn for information? At the UW Retirement Association, we not only work with retirees, we also work with the group we call ‘pre-retirees’ – current faculty and staff who are beginning to think about the possibilities ahead for them in retirement. Are you a pre-retiree? You might be if…
- Your retired colleagues keep seeming younger and younger
- You find yourself frequently hitting ‘refresh’ on the UW Benefits web page about eligibility for requirement
- You’ve made flash cards to learn the full names of UWRP, PERS, DRS, PEBB, HCA, VEBA and VRI
- Your office is ringed with a paper chain with links representing the number of days you’ll still be paying for parking
We know pre-retirees have questions – lots of questions – and that your time is precious. That’s why we’ve assembled the people with the answers, all in one place and eager to talk with you, at the UW Retirees’ Resource Fair, Wednesday September 13, 11:30 – 1:30 in the HUB North Ballroom.
Whether you’re just beginning to think about retirement or have one foot out the door, you’ll find information and inspiration for your next phase of life. At the fair you’ll find:
- Representatives from campus offices that serve retirees, including UW Benefits, Husky Card Account & ID Center, UW-IT, Transportation Services, Fidelity Investments, TIAA and more
- Discounts, freebies and special access for retirees from campus organizations including UW Arts, the UW Club, University Book Store, UW Alumni Travel, Osher Lifelong Learning Center, the Access program and more
- Opportunities to volunteer with campus groups including the Undergraduate Research Program, Student-Athlete Academic Services, Pipeline, UW Impact, Washington MESA and more
- Connections to area Encore agencies including Jewish Family Service, Social Venture Partners, the Peace Corps and more
You’ll also find community. Your peers and colleagues, both pre-retirement and retired, will be sharing their own questions and experience.
The fair is free. Be sure to stop by the UWRA table to say hello and pick up a free swag bag! You can find details, including a registration link, here. See the complete list of participating groups here. Or contact UWRA by email or by calling 206.543-8600.
Cathy Randolph is the associate director of the UW Retirement Association. Her work with the engaged and interesting retirees of the UW has long since transformed her from employee to pre-retiree.
The UW Retirement Association informs, connects and advocates for UW retirees and pre-retirees. The UWRA encourages continued engagement with the UW and fosters a purposeful retirement through educational and social programs.