How do diets affect your gut health?
It can feel as though every week a new diet or regimen hits your social media feed promising weight loss and other health and wellness advantages. These diets are usually characterized by highly restrictive and/or unusual food choices, often cutting out whole food groups entirely. But will a fad diet impact those trillions of microbes residing in your gut? The short answer is yes, but how? And will the effects of a fad diet, even if adopted for a short time, be positive? Lasting? Or could they possibly be detrimental?
Join us a special seminar with Dr. Will DePaolo, associate professor and director of the University of Washington’s new Center for Microbiome Sciences and Therapeutics (CMiST), and Kristine Carlson, a registered dietitian and certified nutrition support clinician in the Surgical and Medical Intensive Care Units at the UW Medical Center. You will learn about the potential impact of fad diets on the gut microbiome, and what you should be aware of when you make dramatic changes to your daily nutrition. You will also hear expert advice on what a healthy, nutritionally balanced diet looks like.
This seminar will be repeated on two separate dates at two different locations: