This Spring, Conserve More
Did you know that you are a natural born marketer? In fact, when it comes to marketing, you just might be as good as it gets! What is the last movie you watched, restaurant you visited or book you read? Did you tell anyone about it? Good or bad, you most likely shared your experience with at least one other person. If it was a good experience, it’s likely you told at least five people and, if it was bad, more like ten.
If we share our opinions about movies, food, and books, why don’t we do the same for our environment? This April, it’s time to get the word out to conserve more. We share and re-share posts on social media because we like to be in the know, plus it lets everyone see all of the awesome things we are doing every day.
But why don’t we promote conservation of our resources, wasting less, and helping our planet in the same way? This is news worth sharing. In honor of Earth Month, we hope that, in any setting—digital or otherwise—you will hold your head high and proudly say, “I care about the environment and I’m going to make a change because conserving more matters.”
Here are a few ways you can make an impact on our environment:
Low. Use less. Just by using less, you will already be conserving more. Less water, less paper, less gas, less food, less… you get the idea. Find ways to cut down your consumption and see if you inspire a few others in your life to do the same. As we know from other Whole U challenges, sometimes it’s the smallest changes that make the biggest impact.
Medium. Search for nonprofit organizations working to protect our environment. Find simple ways you can support your favorite cause, whether that’s by signing an online petition, attending a fundraiser, or making a donation.
High. Find a local conservation group and volunteer. Many organizations offer partial or full day volunteer opportunities offering hands on experience in helping to save and maintain local habitats and our planet. If you enjoy your experience, you may become a regular volunteer and conserving more will become part of your personal mission in life.
In the spirit of conserving more, we invite you to attend the UW Combined Fund Drive’s Earth Day Forum: Urban Gardening, on Thursday, April 20, from 12-1 p.m. in the UW Tower Auditorium. There, you’ll meet the new executive director of EarthShare Washington and hear from Tilth Alliance and Washington Native Plant Society on topics including chicken keeping, stewarding urban parks, gardening with native plants, and much more. The event is free and open to the UW campus community. Light refreshments will be served and guests will receive a ticket at the door for a chance to win prizes! Register here.
This is the seventh installment in the Every Monday Matters series. UW Combined Fund Drive is partnering with Every Monday Matters, a nonprofit committed to inspiring a new normal where people understand how and why they matter to themselves, the community, and the world.