Every Monday Matters – Donate a Little
This is the third installment in the new Every Monday Matters series. UW Combined Fund Drive is partnering with Every Monday Matters, a nonprofit committed to inspiring a new normal where people understand how and why they matter to themselves, the community, and the world.
In our Super-Sized, Big-Gulp, Win-the-Lottery culture, we are constantly fed the message that more is better: that we need the bigger meal, the larger home, the best car. Isn’t there such a thing as enough? And when does too much becomes just that – too much? It’s likely that the “I need more” belief system has a way of making us feel inadequate or that we’re just not quite good enough.
But a little of a good thing can be pretty awesome. This week, we encourage you to donate a little because we know that it can add up to a lot and truly make change. When everyone joins together to give what they can, our collective giving changes the world! So take a moment to donate a little this week, because even your spare change adds up quickly.
Here are a few ways to give a little and make a huge impact:
- Spend an hour or two finding some gently used items in your closet and donate them to a local organization that’s doing good work helping those in need.
- Drop your spare change (or even some bills) into a jar every day. At the end of the month, donate it to an organization that speaks to you. Keep the habit up all year and see how a little adds up to a whole lot.
- Organize at least one drive for your favorite cause over the next few weeks. Advertise the drive dates in advance, and send reminders to help boost donations. Ask volunteers to help you drop things off at the nonprofit sites. Share the special joy of making it happen and be sure to thank everyone for their participation and generosity.
The UW Combined Fund Drive is a great way to give, too! You can donate to any of your favorite nonprofits with an amount that feels good to you.
You are also invited to attend the following events in the coming weeks:
- Kristallnacht Commemoration Lunch & Learn, Nov. 10, 12-1 p.m. featuring speaker Ingrid Kanis Steppic. The violence that broke out on the night of November 9, 1938, across the German Reich and which lasted into the next day has come to be known as Kristallnacht or, The Night of Broken Glass. Learn more about this fateful night and the importance of tolerance and kindness. Feel free to bring your lunch. Coffee and dessert will be provided. Location and parking details will be included with your registration confirmation. Register today!
- Step Up to Tolerance Stair Climb, Nov. 16, 12-1 p.m. Benefitting the Holocaust Center for Humanity, which helps teachers across our state share lessons of kindness and tolerance, and empowers students to stand up against bullies and for what is right. Help us raise $10K and change our world. A $10 minimum donation is required. There are three ways to participate:
- Register, make a pledge, and climb stairs at one of six locations*
- Register, make a pledge, and take the stairs anytime, anywhere on Nov. 16
- Not climbing? Just make a donation and help raise $10K!
*Locations include Harborview, South Lake Union, UW Bothell, UW Medical Center, UW Tacoma, and UW Tower.