Summer Fitness Challenge: Week Six
Welcome to week six of the Summer Fitness Challenge! This week’s topic is fitting in exercise while travelling. Vacationing is so much fun in the summer, but sometimes we find ourselves returning a little less fit.
Exercise Tip of the Week – Fitness and Travel
It can be very hard to keep up your normal routine on vacation, but a little exercise can go a long way–and may even prevent the post-vacation blues. Here are some tips to try the next time you are on vacation.
Add these additional items to your suitcase:
- Athletic shoes
- Exercise clothes
- Swimsuit
- Exercise band
- Music and headphones
Create a quick plan:
- Write down the days and times you plan to exercise while on vacation. Make the goal realistic and achievable.
- Consider what is available to you. Does the hotel or resort have a gym or classes? Is there a pool? A park nearby? Review the location and add it to your plan.
- Plan with those you are vacationing with. Is there a friend or family member you can exercise with? It’s always good to have an accountability partner. Connect beforehand and work them into your plan.
Try these ideas for indoor exercise:
- If you prefer to exercise in your room, try the flex at your desk program and bring the handout with you while travelling.
- Our indoor workout article also provides excellent exercises to try while on vacation.
WA State Veggie of the Week – Radishes
Radishes contain sulforaphane, a compound that stimulates detoxification and reduces the risk for different types of cancer. Radishes also help with indigestion, so they are especially good if your stomach hurts.
Try another fresh salad recipe that Chiara has adapted from Sale & Pepe magazine.
Salad with Radishes, Arugula, Cucumbers, and Olives (serves 4)
1 bunch radishes, sliced thinly
3 cups arugula
2 cucumbers, sliced into very thin slices
¼ cup Kalamata olives
1 cup plain yogurt
4 tablespoons extra-virgin olive oil
1 tablespoon chopped fresh chives
Freshly-ground pepper
In a bowl, combine yogurt with olive oil. Add chives and season with salt and pepper to taste.
Arrange arugula, cucumbers, radishes, and olives on a platter. Drizzle dressing over the salad and toss to coat.
Water Tip of the Week – Water Replenishment
Staying hydrated while exercising can significantly improve your performance and recovery. For every 15 minutes of exercise, try to consume 8 oz. of water. Sports drinks are only recommended for vigorous activity or activity that lasts longer than an hour. Don’t waste the calories; choose water instead.
Video of the Week – Seated Row
Seated Row is a great exercise for your upper back muscles. You can either sit right on the ground or in a chair. If you do not have an exercise band, grab some free weights. Be sure to squeeze your shoulder blades together to isolate the back muscles versus using your arm muscles.
Upcoming Whole U Opportunities
Harborview Medical Center is hosting Jordyn Eisenhard from UW Sports Medicine. Try the functional movement screen to determine specific weaknesses in flexibility, mobility, and strength. It’s Tuesday, August 11 at noon. Register here.
We’re hosting another picnic at the Sylvan Grove Columns. Enjoy the summer weather and join us Friday, August 21 at noon. Register here.
We hope you are enjoying this challenge as much as we are. Let us know in the comments below how you incorporate fitness into your vacation and travel.