Men’s Health: Just the facts with Dr. Walsh
Spoiler alert… I’m not a man, so when I was asked to write an article about men’s health, I reached out to my male friends at UW. I emailed a survey to a diverse group and told them feedback would remain completely anonymous.
I learned that the majority participants do not go to the doctor regularly. They have an “if it isn’t broken, why fix it” mentality. This is in line with the statistics from UW Urology. Men are 24% less likely to have visited a doctor within the past year and are 22% more likely to have neglected their cholesterol tests, in comparison to women.
Why is this? One survey participant, who hadn’t been to the doctor in six years, said he would make an appointment if craft beer was served in the waiting room! Seriously though, one comment stood out:
“Perhaps educating the male population in a friendly ‘looking out for your well-being’ type of way, rather than a ‘you’re an idiot if you don’t go to every type of specialist on a regular basis and that’s such a typical dumb guy thing to do’ type of way would go a long way toward furthering the altruistic goal of helping people. Regarding my health, I feel like I’m constantly being nagged, not educated.”
Wow. I’m guilty of nagging men in my life about medical stuff. We get into an argument. He gets irritated. No appointment is made. Epic fail.
So, no nagging here. Join us for the truth about men’s health from an expert:
Stay Healthy at Any Age with Dr. Thomas Walsh
Tuesday, April 7, 2015
5:00 – 6:00 pm
Hagget South Cascade
Register here
Want a sample? Below are just the facts from UW Medicine’s department of Urology. See their recommended screenings and tips for how to get the most out of a doctor’s visit. These are suggested by US Preventative Services and endorsed by UW Urologist, Dr. Thomas Walsh.
Recommended Screenings for Men
Age 18-39:
- Blood pressure
- Depression
- HIV & other STDs
- Overweight and obesity
- Alcohol and tobacco
Age 40-49:
- Blood pressure
- High cholesterol
- As your doctor about aspirin to prevent heart attack
Age 50+:
- Hepatitis C
- Colorectal Cancer
Before your doctor appointment
- Time is limited during your doctor’s visit, so think about what you want to accomplish.
- Write down your questions and bring to your appointment.
- Create a health history that includes current conditions and past surgeries or illnesses.
- Bring medications with you.
During your doctor appointment
- Asking questions is important but understanding the answer is critical.
- Take notes.
- You might want to bring someone to your appointments to help remember questions and clarify answers.
- Find out next steps. Ask for written instructions, brochures, videos, websites, etc.
These suggestions are just the tip of the iceberg. Dr. Walsh is truly an expert in Men’s Health. The department of Urology is nationally ranked by UW News and World report and Dr. Walsh is one of eight UW Urology physicians named in Seattle Met Magazine’s Top Doc for 2014 Award. Learn more facts at this important seminar.
Partners and guests of any gender are welcome at this event.